MAMI2423 -. Mamilius (not in RE)


  • Tribunus Plebis 55 (Broughton MRR II) Expand
    • The authors of the Lex Mamilia Roscia Alliena Peducaea Fabia (Riccobono, Font. Iur. Rom. A nteiustin. 1. 138- 140, quoted from Lachmann, Rdm. Feldmesser 1.263). See Rudolph, Stadt und Staat im römischen Italien 186ff., esp. 196-198; H. S. Jones, JRS 26 (1936) 270f.; L. R. Taylor, Stud. Presented to A. C. Johnson pp. 68-78, and above, 109, Tribunes of the Plebs, and note 2. The law apparently dealt with the extension of municipal organization in connection with Caesar's agrarian law and the activities of the land commissioners. (Broughton MRR II)
    • p. 257-63 (Thommen 1989)